People wonder privately, how someone, so well-educated; could be in economic free fall?

Well, they are still the same talented and smart person, but work is very sketchy now, so you never know when you entered the uncertain world of formerly, and you can't be sure where you belong anymore.

Dozens of job opportunities seem to just disappear intro a black hole.

We live in a world where success is defined by income. The moment you announce that you have financial issues, society puts you in the loser's category. We are accused of being poor planners and deadbeats. But is that the real issue? We know that we could’ve saved more if we just ordered a black coffee instead of a latte. The real question here is: if we can go back in time, would we’ve chosen the same option or not ? There are countless dumb things we’ve done financially speaking. The answer is: we can’t change that now, nobody can since it’s all in the past.

Starting with savings, for many families; there is just nothing left to save after the bills have been paid. It turns out that millions of us are just not that good at voluntarily investing over 40 years. Millions of us are just not that good at managing market risk, since so many people have no retirement savings in the first place. The problem is, social security was never supposed to be the retirement plan.

Another issued presents herself in this context, which is the life span. It increased a lot, so you can still find someone in his late 50s healthy and can live for another 20 years, but it’s hard if you are broke and old. So what’s the play if you’ve landed here in your late 50s? And what’s the plan if you don’t want to land here in your late 20s?

We have to come out from the shadows and stand openly to face this crisis. The solution is to adapt ourselves to live a low to the ground mindset, that is not defined by things. It means that we should figure out what we really need to feel contented and grounded. Unpopular opinion; things will not go back to normal, if we just tightened the built or were patient enough. The truth is, the normal that we know is over.

Foremost, we have to let go of the notion that our worth and our value depend on our income. And also, we should learn to think strategy, not failure. Do what you need to do to go another round.

It’s not enough to just live a long time, what’s more important is to live well. We need now a new way of thinking. And finally, we need guidance and ideas about how to live a richly textured life, on a much more modest income.