“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every  morning and make it happen.” — Wayne Huizenga

Morning habits set the stage for the remainder of the day, they help you increase productivity and performance at work. But it’s impossible to be a high performer when you’re in poor health physically and mentally, that’s why most successful people prioritise sleep.

  • The early birds catches the worm 

  • First of all you have to be consistent in case you have trouble waking up early, which means you have to go to bed and wake up at the same time even on weekends.
  • Ban electronics from your bedroom
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime 
  • Engage in physical activities during the day 
  • Relaxing evening routine 

  • Make your bed

“If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day,” said Naval Adm.

This will give you the sensation of a small accomplishment and pride, the thing that will encourage you to do other tasks during the day.

You can't expect yourself to do big things right; if you can't do the little ones correctly.

  • Find your own rhythm 

Once you are done with the minor tasks at the beginning of the day; you ask yourself right away what’s next? 

To avoid decision paralysis, create your ideal morning routine; which means you can practise the activity that suits you to start the day, either having breakfast, journaling or going for a run… the choice is yours. But to save yourself the trouble, plan the night before, make a to-do list and prioritise what needs to be done by tomorrow. But there is always room for chance during the day so you don't have to feel the pressure.


  • Value time and keep to it

The first key to high performance is time management. It allows you to have control over the day and make the right decisions in order to complete your tasks. It’s a very challenging habit to build, but trust the process and you will get there with consistency.

  • Affirmations 

You have to set your intentions for the day to stay focused. And the easiest way to get it done, is by answering these questions: 

  • What are you committed to?
  • Why is it important to you?
  • What activities will help you achieve your goals?
  • When will you commit to doing these activities?

  • Ask yourself one important question:

If today was the last day of your life, would you still want to do what you are about to do today?

If the answer is NO, then go out there and make a change. You never know when opportunities knock at your door.